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What Is A Health At Every Size® Approach?

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What is a Health At Every Size (HAES) Approach?

What is Health At Every Size®? Does it only apply to eating disorder treatment? Should both my therapist and dietitian know about this approach? And does a HAES approach mean my provider doesn't care about my health?

These are only some of the common questions we get as HAES-aligned providers, and we are eager to clear up some of the confusion.

Health At Every Size, Defined

Health At Every Size (HAES) is a term originally coined by the Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH), and is the title of a book originally authored by Lindo Bacon, PhD. Originally published in 2008, this book is due for an update. Once one is available, we look forward to recommending a more current resource. For now, we still find this to be a great first stop for learning more about a weight-inclusive approach. The links above are also excellent resources to learn more.

A copy of the book Health At Every Size by Lindo Bacon, PhD

This book summarizes what the research shows us about body size and health. In short, what research has demonstrated is:

  • Body size is not a choice. Just like many of our physical features are determined by a combination of factors, often with genetics at the forefront, so is true for our weight, shape, and size. While we may have some influence over our body size, this influence is limited.

  • Diversity in body size is meant to exist, just like all other types of diversity.

  • Weight and health are not the same thing, despite how often these concepts are thought of interchangeably. Research supports that addressing health instead of focusing on reducing size leads to improved outcomes for longer, more sustained periods of time.

  • Health promoting behaviors are beneficial regardless of how they impact weight; similarly, disordered behaviors are harmful, not matter one's size.

  • All bodies deserve to be treated with dignity, and the way folks in larger bodies are treated has worsened with time, even when we've seen improvement in other forms of discrimination. Research also shows us that being stigmatized for body size, or believing you will be discriminated against for your size, can lead to worsened health outcomes. Discrimination against someone for how their body looks is harmful, and is an issue that must be addressed on both the systemic and individual level.

So, do HAES-aligned providers simply not care about health? No! In fact, quite the opposite is true. Our team at Beyond Measure uses a HAES, or size-inclusive, approach because we see it lead to improved wellbeing over time, including both physical and mental health outcomes, when compared to weight-centric approaches.

You will notice a big difference between working with a dietitian who is HAES-aligned, versus one who uses a weight-centric paradigm. A well-trained HAES dietitian will help you focus on behaviors that make sense for your wellbeing in the big picture. They understand that your focus will inevitably wander to weight loss at times, and are educated on how best to hold space for your concerns, explore them, and ensure that the focus of your work together continues to be on health-promoting behaviors and patterns, never on weight loss or unnecessary restriction.

Working with a therapist who understands a HAES approach can also be incredibly beneficial. A HAES-aligned therapist can guide you appropriately when it comes to tools for mental health, such as eating for comfort, and physical activity. HAES-aligned therapists, dietitians, and providers of various backgrounds can also help you identify disordered eating patterns which might otherwise fly under the radar.

Working with providers who are HAES-aligned is crucial if you are seeking eating disorder treatment. However, even if you're needing support on something unrelated to food or weight, a size-inclusive provider can help significantly by applying a balanced, non-stigmatizing approach to your wellness. Additionally, most HAES-aligned providers, like those at Beyond Measure, will want all patients to feel safe and comfortable in their offices. We designed our office space here in Redwood City, CA with inclusivity in mind, including a goal to provide comfortable seating and accessibility for all sizes and abilities. If you have questions about the accessibility of our office space, please reach out to us.

If you're ready to take a step toward improved health without sacrificing your mental health (an essential part of your wellbeing!), book a free intro call with a member of our team here. We can't wait to chat with you!

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